الاثنين، 30 مايو 2016

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

Saxony bird-of-paradise
 The adult King of Saxony bird-of-paradise is approximately 22 cm long. The male is black and yellow with a dark brown iris, brownish-grey legs, a black bill with a bright aqua-green gape, and two remarkably long (up to 50 cm) scalloped, enamel-blue brow-plumes that can be independently erected at the bird's will.[3] The unadorned female is greyish brown with barred underparts.

The male's ornamental head plumes are so bizarre that, when the first specimen was brought to Europe, it was thought to be a fake.

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

king bird of paradise

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